The Manna Group of Ministries was founded in 1966 and has been reaching out to India and the world with the compassionate love of God! Our vision is based on two pillars of faith as taught by Jesus Christ: to love God and to love our fellow brother and sister regardless of gender, race, class or creed.
Manna is a multi-faceted ministry that reaches out to our communities with the love of God both spiritually and physically. We comprise of spiritual outreach through our churches as well as bringing compassionate love to men and women in dire need through catastrophic relief, medical relief and village development programs.
We bring hope and a chance at a bright future to poor and at risk children through our orphanages, child care programs, colleges, trade schools, schools, relief programs and educational institutions.
Please surf our website, enjoy the musical and video resources and we welcome you to contact us and get involved so that together we can make a difference!
Ernest and Rachel Komanapalli
Reaching the world with GOD'S compassionate love